Monday, October 11, 2004
Back to Work--Sort of...
It's Monday, but we don't have a day off. You see we live in Texas, the "right to work state." What that translates to is that any sort of labour union initiative, including days off on normal days off days, are out of the question. It is a miracle that we have off on MLK day. Really. So, I trudged to work, to teach my group of students.Except I didn't get far. Remember that M shot my daughter had, the one that I struggled to give her as a separate (non MMR all three together) shot? Well, 7-10 days it is common to get a reaction, which she did. She developed a fever, which dropped with some Motrin. My husband is swamped, so he had to go to work, and I assumed that since she seemed to feel fine, that she could go to school. Nope. Not a chance. Daycare declares that if you have a fever, no school. Doesn't seem to account for shot reactions, which aren't contagious. So I taught class and came home. I just don't get much done here, so this day (and tomorrow--she has to be off of school until 24 hours fever free) are a bust. Grr.
It is, on the other hand, a gorgeous day in Texas. Since lots of knit bloggers are showing their sky, here's the view off our back deck. Look:

You don't call Texas the big sky country for nothing. Almost makes up for the no holiday, huh? Plus, it is getting cooler and crisper here. Still comfortable to have shorts on, but not humidly sticky. Ahh.
What did I do this weekend? Here's Klara:

If I am at home it might speed up!
And here's Anna's pumpkin hat:

I fiddled with the pattern to get it to fit Anna's head, as it was for a baby. This is the first pattern that I have done some major changes to, so I'm proud of my efforts. I broke out that calculator and crunched those numbers! Ok. I'm an English Ph.D. What do you expect? This is about as number crunchy as I get!