Thursday, October 21, 2004
A New Ring!! and Man Ponchos....
A New Ring!!
Yes, I finally got my act together and set up the Academics Knit Blog ring. Whoopee! See the side bar for links to join. The Academics Knit ring is for anyone that is affiliated with academia (universities or colleges--4 year or community) in any way. So, professors, administrators, librarians, staff or students (grad or undergrad). Please join! It is always fun to see the merger between knitting and work.
My Knitting
Not much to report in my knitting, since I am still working on the boring strap for my purse. I'm up to about 70 inches, so I should be able to finish this blasted strap tonight. Then, I can sew up the purse and FELT it. This is my first felting experience, so wish my luck and happy shocking.
Vintage Knitting
My mother has a swap shop at her recycling center/dump. This is such a cool (New England thrift) concept. You bring what you don't want, then you take anything that looks good. She picked up a bunch of vintage knitting patterns and mailed them to me. I'll be adding pics from these patterns over the course of the next month or so, but this one just had to go up now:
Ugh. I actually like ponchos, but what is this? This must be some sort of 60s ode to the Beach Boys, but I'm not liking it!
My Mom also found the very first knitting pattern I made (she saves everything!) Here it is:
This was actually a pretty difficult pattern to start with. Maybe that's why I hated knitting back then?