Friday, October 29, 2004
Secret Kid Plot?
So do kids really plot to get sick at the absolute worst time? I wonder this sometimes... My husband is away on business, I have a guest consultant coming in that I have to usher from meeting to meeting, lunch to dinner, airport to hotel, and Anna gets pink eye. Do I have backup? No. As with most academics, we are a long plane ride away from grandmas, aunts, uncles, etc. So, Thursday Anna wakes up with a goopy eye, I take her to the doctor, get the diagnosis and eye drops. So much for Thursday. The good news is that Friday is the day with the consultant, and her doctor says that one day of antibiotics should do the trick--back to school for her. The kicker with all of this is that she doesn't feel bad and can't understand why she isn't able to go see her buddies at school. She LOVES her friends. How comes even 2 year olds think their peers are cooler than boring, stodgy Mom and Dad? I fear the teenage hormones....Since I was clearly not going to accomplish any work related items yesterday, I played with Anna and knitted. I blocked Klara, and she is dry, so I should be able to finish her this weekend. I cast on for my poofy capelet as well. No pics of the WIP today, but maybe this weekend.
Ang. asked for the pattern source for the Berga bag (see last post). The bag is from Cornelia Tuttle Hamilton Book 1. It's the last pattern, but the one that I want to start with. So cute!