Tuesday, November 09, 2004
Is there an Errata?
So I count and recount the lace hat pattern found in Vanessa-Ann Knitting for the First Time. And I might be an English person, but I can count up to 10. And there is a mistake in the pattern. A major mistake. So, even though this is my first lace attempt I think, "go with your inner knitting goddess voice. Breathe. Feel the lace" (Ok maybe I forgot I was knitting and morphed into my yoga relaxation, but you get the idea). I easily fixed the counting issue, and the lace looks pretty nice. I also remembered to use the little stitch markers at each pattern repeat, which was a huge help. So, I am thinking, I might be moving beyond the beginning knitter stage!I plunge ahead into my hat, excited to hit the knitting in the round part when, in between watching my daughter dance with the Wiggles, it dawns on me that there is another problem:

Do you see it? The little lace part is supposed to flip up. If so, then the right side needs to switch at the base of the hat. Right now, the flip up part will be the ugly back side of the pattern. Yuck. I did follow the pattern exactly, using my clicker (cache cache) to mark each row. But, nope. I have to frog the whole thing back to the lace. Argh. In disgust I pick up the easy knitting secret project. I click away to salve my nerves. I consider the secret German chocolate stash in my kitchen cupboard.