Wednesday, December 22, 2004

Some things work, some don't, but it's almost here!

We are almost there! The 25th is looming. My daughter's advent calendars are changing. The one on the right (chocolate) is almost empty, the one on the left (Playmobile Christmas scene) is filling up:

The tree is up and some of the presents are under it:

My daughter has created her yearly ornament and it's hung on the tree:

Love the melted snowman! One problem--we are to have the coldest Christmas in 25 years and might actually have snow. In Texas. Where no buildings are insulated. People dash around securing the three P's--Pets, Pipes, and Plants. Panic ensues. People run to the store to buy Beer, Milk, and White bread. I kid you not.

My daughter and I put together our gingerbread house. You can see the results:

She pushed a little too hard on the gum drop roof, and an earthquake occurred.

I finished up the grocery shopping and filled up the booze cabinet:

I was suckered into buying the pre-made eggnog at our local liquor store. It's called "Pennsylvania Dutch" Egg Nog. Now, my family are Pennsylvania Dutch. And anything with liquor is considered pretty much out of bounds. It got so bad that my grandmother wouldn't make her frozen creme de menthe cake that had drizzled creme de menthe (less than a cup) throughout the entire cake. My mother had to sign a temperance pledge as a kid. I somehow think Pennsylvania Dutch Egg Nog with booze just wouldn't make it. I digress.

The knitting? Here's my flounce Colinette Jacket!

It is lovely warm!

I picked up about 200 stitches for the flounce, which runs on the sleeves, bottom and up the sides.

I made the size 36 and used 9 skeins of Colinette Point 5 in Toscana. I just love the bright colors, but I have to admit this came out a little bit longer than I had wanted it to be. But it's warm and fun and perfect for the holidays!

Gallery of Finished Objects

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Gallery 2005
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On the Needles

Cable Cardigan

Faroe Island Sweater

Rowan Denim Seahorse


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Lorna's Laces Socks

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Eloise from Jane Ellison


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