Tuesday, January 18, 2005
If you looked at my sidebar, you will see that I have two projects on the needles--My Union Square shawl (29 inches of 54 complete) and Coquette.In case you forgot what Coquette is supposed to look like, take a look:

The yarn is Stampato Merino in a Black with flecks of grey; I'm much more a black sweater person than an orange sweater person!

Of the sweaters that I knit, I think this is going to be my favorite. I love the items I have finished, but none of them qualify for that sweater that you could wear every day. This one might, though. The merino is super soft and smooth, and the color, of course, is perfect.
Here's the back, sitting on a stitch holder:

The pattern says to make the front and back, then join them with a three needle bind off. I'm for anything that involves less finishing, so I think I will like this pattern!