Friday, January 21, 2005
Requests and Thanks
I want to first start by thanking Lovelyn for the great gift she sent by way of my husband:
I have the knitting calendar, but this quilting calendar is a beauty. The quilt blocks are so pretty. Thanks Lovelyn for the great gift!
Speaking of my husband, I've turned him to the blog side:
So, I have been knitting, but the beginning of the semester is pretty difficult. I seem to just blah, blah, blah all day in meetings. And I'd rather be holed up in my office working on the computer, but, you do what you can. I'm working on both of my dark projects, but don't see the end in site on either.
My mother sent a great package the other day:

She found this interesting yarn (linen blend with slubs) at the local thrift shop for something like 2.99. There were 8 or 9 balls--apparently her cat loves this yarn, so a ball or two didn't make it into the package. Boots promises that she will relinquish her stash shortly...
Here's the recommended pattern:

Can we say the 80s? These aren't my style, but I'm thinking about a summer tank or some sort of summer wear for my daughter with this. I'm not sure, but I do like the teal color! Thanks Mom! (Mom and I love those thrift stores...can't turn down a bargain)
And, as requested by the grandmas, here's a few pics from our visit to the Houston Zoo:

Sure, we have cattle in the pasture beside our house, but, hey, let's drive 2 hours to Houston to sit on a plastic cow!

Obviously the zoo is a huge hit for the entire group!