Monday, February 14, 2005
I Love my Secret Pal!
I love my Secret Pal! I was feeling pretty low over the last couple of days, mostly because my daughter has been ill, which means things at work are really backing up because I've been at home. But look what I got in the mail:What a nice gift! And here is the yarn closer:
My secret pal is awesome--thanks so very much! I had this book on my Amazon list--I especially love the Celtic bags in here. I've never seen the Mountain Colors yarn before, but this skein is very pretty. It is Glacier Teal for the Facine Braid Sock Pattern. Ok. This is the next project on the needles. I wanted to start on some socks and how cool will these be?
So, as I am sitting at home with a child who has a high fever and the crud, I am going to imagine the next project--the socks. Thanks SP!