Tuesday, March 15, 2005
Like lots of knitters, I have a great iPod (the 40 MB--bought this past summer). I have tons of music (7842 songs--21.7 days worth, actually). We bought the iPod in part to store our digital pictures on when we traveled in Denmark this past summer. It was super -- we bought a little tiny converter that took our picture card and dumped the images on the pod. When we returned home, we dumped the 1,000 images on our computer. Voila. No heavy laptops to lug around Europe.I also have a converter in the car--so I always have my music--and a little stereo in the kitchen. I just love the portability of the pod.
The really cool newish thing for your pod is that I was looking at podcasting from a link my husband sent--KCRW I love to listen to public radio--but not just NPR or PRI. I listen to Irish Radio: RTE, UK Radio: BBC, Canadian Radio: CBC, and more online. The possibility of capturing these radio shows (kind of TIVOing the shows) on to my pod, then playing them at home or in the car is so exciting. Since we live in the boonies, we don't have high speed internet--which is too bad, since I always want to listen to the various shows at home--now I can!
And, for all of the knitters out there--a knitting podcast! Check out KnitCast. You don't need to have a pod to listen to the knitting shows. There are three shows to date, all with bloggers.