Thursday, March 10, 2005

Show and Tell

I'm still in recovery from the FBS, but I have a few items to show. Like others, I received my Rowan 37 in the mail:

Usually spring and summer patterns work better for me, since cotton sweaters are usually all that you need for a Texas winter. I didn't find a lot that I thought would work in this edition, though. Here are a couple of items that might be nice:

Chicago: My favorite design in the book:

Elspeth: I'm not sure how this would look on someone more well endowed....but it looks so cute!

Marianne: It has the name as my Mom (and even spelled correctly!!) and is super cute. I don't know how it would wear--would my child destroy it by poking her fingers into the holes when she sits on Mommy's lap?

Now, I've been really, really good about buying yarn lately. I did buy a little sock yarn, but no big purchases. But I've fallen from grace. I was reading Theresa's Blog, Knitting the Blues and saw this page. I had already picked out the pattern as one that I wanted to make. Add to that that I am a sucker for German yarns, that the colorway is Jewel--so no yellow, which suits me fine--, and Theresa was being generous with the price--well, I was sold. I emailed, paid and the package arrived yesterday:

It even came in a cute little bag with a sweet note from Theresa! (notice our old dog, Jessie, hanging out by the sliding glass door--what an awesome dog!).

Here's what the jacket/sweater will look like (in a different colorway):

And the yarn is just so gorgeous. It is Muench Naturwolle--a little like Colinette Point 5, but oh so much softer:

The package even included beautiful buttons:

This one is going to the top of the fall knitting list. I am so pleased that Theresa was destashing!

And, one final picture for Grammy E:

Anna says thanks for the shirt that you bought her on your trip to Florida to see Uncle Ben and Miss Whitney!

Gallery of Finished Objects

Gallery 2007
Gallery 2006
Gallery 2005
Gallery 2004

On the Needles

Cable Cardigan

Faroe Island Sweater

Rowan Denim Seahorse


Future Knits

Lisette from Rowan

Lorna's Laces Socks

Backyard Leaves Scarf

Eloise from Jane Ellison


The WeatherPixie


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