Monday, October 24, 2005

No Post Blogger

Call me the no post blogger. Let's just say that my overloaded semester is starting to catch up with me (yes, I'm officially overloaded, according to the University--Don't ask).

What happened last week?

1. Funeral A good friend's Dad died last weekend, so we went to the viewing. We spent a good deal of time trying to explain to our three year old why Paw Paw was in the casket. We ended up telling her--when your body doesn't work anymore, then you go to heaven. We talked about whether to take her to the viewing, but decided that learning about the cycle of life was a positive thing, given the sterility of our culture.

2. Knitting The last piece of Gingham! Check out the huge collar!

Gingham Collar
Originally uploaded by amyeetx.

I'm sewing in all of those little ends. My goal is to block this sucker by this weekend.

3. Gymnastics Our small one loves gymnastics and has been going twice a week. She was named her teacher's student of the month this week, which translates to "your child loves to jump up and down like a crazy thing"! Favorite equipment? The vault, followed by the rings.

4. Visitors We spent the weekend with visitors! This is my long time friend, Alisa, and her small one. Alisa and I became friends in high school when we bonded against the catty high school girls who liked to make fun of what other students were wearing. It's awesome to have a friend that has stuck around for 20 years (oh--we bemoaned our age during the visit). Everywhere we went, people asked if the kids were brother and sister. And, I would like to point out that my daughter is 4 months younger than my friend's child. Anna continues to top out that 100% height chart. Must be the 6 5 foot grandfathers....

Originally uploaded by amyeetx.

More on our weekend during the week!

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On the Needles

Cable Cardigan

Faroe Island Sweater

Rowan Denim Seahorse


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Lisette from Rowan

Lorna's Laces Socks

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Eloise from Jane Ellison


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