Wednesday, December 21, 2005
On the Needles.
The Dalarna Socks have proven to be a joy to knit. I haven't had a lot of time to work on them, but they are just lovely. The yarn is Wendy Guernsey. It is deeply color and a little stiff, making for a firm sock that should hold up nicely. The cuff includes Tvåändsstickning or Swedish two ended knitting. The top and bottom of the cuff use this technique with some nice ribbing in between. The pattern is Nancy Bush's and, like all of her sock patterns, the directions are clear and helpful. Below the cuff is a clock pattern that runs down to the ankle. While these might take quite a while to finish (given I work on them only every three days), they have the potential to move into my favorite sock position.Since I've been finishing up a number of projects, I've been thinking about what comes next. I was looking at this yarn: Peace Fleece.
Peace Fleece
Originally uploaded by amyeetx.
One of my goals for this past year was to learn to cable. Um. Yeah. It's almost 2006, but I'm cabling! This book is what I am using: