Friday, December 09, 2005
Winter Ice
Yes, I live in Texas where it hits 100 degrees regularly in the summer. One would think that if you put up with the heat, you would be spared the cold. No luck. It rained and iced on Wednesday night, hitting a low of 25 (freezing cold and horrid for Texas). Remember that Houston has 4 sandtrucks--I'm in a much smaller town and figure we have very little equipment to deal with ice. The University rightly closed on Thursday, even though the public schools were open. Our poor Texas plants bravely held up against the cold.

Originally uploaded by amyeetx.
I love how the ice froze on the barbed wire fence.

Ice on the Fence
Originally uploaded by amyeetx.
I have been cold for three days. How pitiful. I grew up dealing with ice and snow, but apparently 12 years in Texas has made me soft. Our knitting guild had its Holiday Party last night, but I decided not to go. My husband seemed concerned about the various patches of black ice and made clear that he did not want me to slide off the road. While I probably could have gone, I decided to be whimpy and play it safe. I feel badly about not going, as I have a finished hat to gift to a knitter. I'm off to our local knitting store to deposit the hat for pickup!
In case you didn't get the email, the Winter Knitty is live. There's some great patterns again and an article that grabbed my attention: Twined Knitting. Twined knitting has been of interest to me because I have the yarn for this lovely sock in my stash:
In case you didn't get the email, the Winter Knitty is live. There's some great patterns again and an article that grabbed my attention: Twined Knitting. Twined knitting has been of interest to me because I have the yarn for this lovely sock in my stash:

Dalarna Sock
Originally uploaded by amyeetx.
That's Dalarna from Nancy Bush's Knitting on the Road. I special ordered the Wendy Guernsey yarn (in grey) a month or so again, and I think it is time to get moving on these socks. Off to cast on!