Thursday, January 05, 2006
Cabling Frenzy
In the waning days of 05 I was struck with the need to cable. It was on my list as a technique that I wanted to learn in 2005, so, with a few weeks to go, I plunged in to learning to cable without a cable needle.This is Berga:
Berga is from Cornelia Tuttle Hamilton's first Noro book. It uses Cash Iroha, which is a wonderfully soft yarn. Here's the back:

Purse back
Originally uploaded by amyeetx.
This purse is the perfect size to throw a credit card, phone and ipod into--about the size of a CD case. I thought that the pattern was fairly easy to follow for a first time cabler, though I had to rip the decrease flap out a few times and am still not totally happy with it. It looks a little uneven, but it will do.
When you sew up the bag you sew the icord handle in the sides to give it a little more definition, certainly a smart design technique given how soft the Cash Iroha feels and how little definition that bag has (very floppy!). One little complaint: I read the pattern directions and it said it uses 4 skeins of the yarn. I bought 5 but only used 2. That leaves enough for another purse or hat or other goodies!
When you sew up the bag you sew the icord handle in the sides to give it a little more definition, certainly a smart design technique given how soft the Cash Iroha feels and how little definition that bag has (very floppy!). One little complaint: I read the pattern directions and it said it uses 4 skeins of the yarn. I bought 5 but only used 2. That leaves enough for another purse or hat or other goodies!

Originally uploaded by amyeetx.
Remember the hat pattern from the other week? Here's the start of the hat. It is actually finished, but I haven't yet had a chance to have a photo shoot.

The beginnings of a cabled hat
Originally uploaded by amyeetx.