Friday, March 24, 2006
Alice Starmore
OOh. Look what I just picked up from the library:Yes, that is Alice Starmore's Tudor Roses. Apparently there are a few copies floating around in library land, which is great because I can't afford to buy the book on ebay (around $100).
Lately I've been thinking about how to raise my knitting skill level. I've done some color and cable work, but I'm not that skilled. I'm ready to try something much tougher. Part of the preparation is looking at lots of possibilities and reading about techniques. This book has the most gorgeous stuff in it. I really like the Catherine Parr sweater:
I see that you can buy appropriate yarns for this design at Starmore's Virtual Yarns. Has anyone bought yarn from this site? I would love to buy the yarn for this as a reward for finishing a few of the items in my stash...