Friday, March 31, 2006

Finishing Bless

This week? I had guests visiting our American Studies program Monday-Wednesday from the Concord Public Library. We had lots of fun visiting and learned a lot about our joint project.

Then there was the child's performance. We have a struggle with bath time every night, but this week marks the start of the ability to wash her own hair. While this would SEEM good, it means that we are ready to leave for school, and we are told that it is TIME TO WASH HAIR. NOW. Ahem. Add to that the 3 year old oddness of dress---only skirts right now, socks are a huge problem in fit most days and shoes must be properly adjusted--we have multiple difficulties in functioning . Don't tell me this is easy compared to teenage angst. I can't deal with it. Really.

And the ongoing project. Would someone tell me why I seem incapable to easily putting together my knitting? This is a new development and one that is vexing, to say the least.

Here's Bless blocking (last Sunday):

Blocking Bless
Originally uploaded by amyeetx.

Since Rowan Cork is very light and airy, I was able to lay sleeves and fronts on top of each other when blocking to guarantee the correct size. All was well at this point.

I stitched up the sleeves and sides--all still well. I'm feeling pretty good about how the seaming is going, happy with the sleeve length, but I notice that the neck seems a bit gappy (not an adjective, but it should be).

Raglan Sleeves
Originally uploaded by amyeetx.

I look at the directions for the collar and decide that I have not properly stitched in the raglan sleeves. I think they should be set in a bit further--but it was almost impossible to tell this from the pattern, so my best guess didn't work.

Too much shoulder?
Originally uploaded by amyeetx.

I think I need some support for the ripping. I'm heading to the local yarn store after work to rip away.

Gallery of Finished Objects

Gallery 2007
Gallery 2006
Gallery 2005
Gallery 2004

On the Needles

Cable Cardigan

Faroe Island Sweater

Rowan Denim Seahorse


Future Knits

Lisette from Rowan

Lorna's Laces Socks

Backyard Leaves Scarf

Eloise from Jane Ellison


The WeatherPixie


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