Friday, April 07, 2006

Knitting Progress-finally

Contrary to popular presumption, I have indeed made some knitting progress. Behold, the pre felted Bushoong Bag from Folk Knits.

Bushroon Bag pre felting
Originally uploaded by amyeetx.

This bag was actually nerve wracking at the end--I ended up with less than 6" of off white yarn. I want to have this finished by next Thursday for our knitting guild handbag competition, so ordering more yarn was out of the question. I was rationing the yarn over the last half of the bag--spit splicing and the like to make it last. Phew! I have the handles underway and when they are complete, I sew it up and felt!

I also picked up a few goodies at our LYS--a sweater stone and some cedar blocks. I noticed a little moth damage on an older sweater and thought that the cedar might help. I haven't seen anything else, but who knows! I've never used a sweater stone, but seen positive responses on line, so I'll let you know.

A side bar--the blue Roseville Pottery basket that is in this picture was a gift from my Mom. The basket used to sit on the fireplace mantel of our summer camp in New Hampshire and was always filled with pinecones that we would pick up in the woods. Mom says that the basket was always on the cabin fireplace mantel and, since they bought the cabin furnished in 1962, my guess is that this one is authentic to the original cabin in the 30s. I remember, as a little kid, really liking the basket, but never being able to touch it. I think my Mom told me it was a waterlily, like the ones that bloomed in the New Hampshire pond every year, but it is actually the Zephyr Lily pattern. The cabin was torn down about 8 years ago to make way for a new home (it had no heat and no insulation, so wasn't a year round house), but this vase always makes me think of the New Hampshire woods and lakes. Thanks Mom!

Goodies and Roseville Pottery basket
Originally uploaded by amyeetx.

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Faroe Island Sweater

Rowan Denim Seahorse


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