Thursday, September 14, 2006
The Sleeve
I'm on sleeve island, slowly moving with the waves... The first sleeve is complete, the second about half way.Remember that Rowan's Denim yarn shrinks about 10% in length when you do the initial wash, so the sleeves are longer than usual. Excuse the hair--this was pre-drying! Notice that my daughter seems amused by Mom taking crazy pictures on the back deck.

LONG sleeve
Originally uploaded by amyeetx.
The sleeve is as long as the child is tall! I haven't seen any problems with the dye coming off on my needles, though they are metal addis so they shouldn't stain. I have noticed a bit of the indigo on my fingers, but not much.

Originally uploaded by amyeetx.
What else do you do with a sleeve? Apparently it makes a great scarf!