Thursday, February 08, 2007

Child's Sweater

As I wrote the other day, I have not been able to blog regularly, so I'm going to use this space, at least temporarily, to keep track of my FOs. Here's the final project of 2006--a child's sweater for the small fry.

I modified a Rowan pattern that was in her size and used Schaefer Yarn's Lola in Little Mermaid. This is, as requested, the rainbow sweater. I adore Schaefer's Lola yarn. It knits beautifully and feels so amazingly soft.

Child's Sweater
Originally uploaded by amyeetx.

This is a waist high sweater, size 5. I like the dropped sleeves and how it doesn't bind on the bottom. The giftee loves it too!

Child's Sweater
Originally uploaded by amyeetx.


Monday, February 05, 2007

Kerry Cardigan

So apparently I am way too busy to be a consistent blogger, so I decided that at least I can post my finished knitted objects! If life calms down, I will be happy to post more, but don't hold your breath!

Here is my completed Blackwater Abbey Kerry Cardigan:

Kerry Cardigan
Originally uploaded by amyeetx.

Notice that I gave the sweater to my mother as a Christmas present. It was too big for me (remind me that I knit loosely and sweaters knit loosely stretch), but just right for my Mom. She tells me it is wearing well and keeping her warm in cold weather!

Kerry Cardigan, originally uploaded by amyeetx.

I enjoyed knitting this and realize that knitting cables is actually quite simple. I may think about tackling something hard--like an Alice Starmore. After this one, I think something challenging might be possible. My only complaint about this was the yarn. While the finished product in Blackwater Abbey is very nice, the yarn had very little lanolin in it. I keep thinking about the heavy lanolin in Peace Fleece and this yarn just doesn't have the same feel. My hands suffered from the lack...

A close up of the front:

Kerry Cardigan close up, originally uploaded by amyeetx.


Gallery of Finished Objects

Gallery 2007
Gallery 2006
Gallery 2005
Gallery 2004

On the Needles

Cable Cardigan

Faroe Island Sweater

Rowan Denim Seahorse


Future Knits

Lisette from Rowan

Lorna's Laces Socks

Backyard Leaves Scarf

Eloise from Jane Ellison


The WeatherPixie


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