Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Blogiversary = New Look

This is my two year blogiversary --wow. So to celebrate, I've been adding a new template. Everything isn't up and running quite yet, but it is close! Two years for a look--it's time for a clean change.

Monday, August 28, 2006

A Weekend

This was a fun weekend--the last before school starts and the job gears up.

The current project? All was well with the mixed dye lot in the back--I couldn't see the difference. The sleeves are a different story. You can certainly see the switches:

Striping Sleeve
Originally uploaded by amyeetx.

What does one do? I think I'm going to do the sleeves in the same dye lot. My guess is that multiple cables help to hide the variations, so I'll mix and match on the front section. I put this aside over the weekend to contemplate, but this seems the best course.

My daughter found the bicentennial dress that my grandmother made in 1976. I can't believe i fits. She decided that it was Cinderella's work dress:

Mommy's Dress
Originally uploaded by amyeetx.

A tiny stash enhancement: I bought this beautiful Fleece Artist Garter Stitch Kit from an ebayer--at a great price (about half the retail).

Fleece Artist Garter Stitch Jacket Kit
Originally uploaded by amyeetx.

It is truly an autumn colorway--Mahogany. This should be lots of fun to knit!

Fleece Artist
Originally uploaded by amyeetx.

Friday, August 25, 2006

Progress and a Dog

There is progress on the cabled cardigan. The back is complete. I'm pleased with the way that this is coming out. You can't see the differentiation of the dye lots, which is great.

Cable Cardigan Back
Originally uploaded by amyeetx.

Notice the indications of Fall in Texas--100 degrees, dry crunchy brown leaves.

I started one of the sleeves next. I want to make sure I'm going to have enough yarn for this sweater. The back took about 5 skeins, so the front should take the same. By doing the sleeve next, I should get a gestimate to approximate how many I need for the entire sweater. (adding the finishing amount as well). I have 17 skeins, which SHOULD be enough, but you never know. That probably makes no sense to anyone but me... but I think it will work!

Cable Cardigan sleeve
Originally uploaded by amyeetx.

Notice the dog paw?

Cable Cardigan sleeve
Originally uploaded by amyeetx.

Liam wanted in on this picture. I can't believe how much grey his face now contains.

Take my picture!
Originally uploaded by amyeetx.

I received this in the mail yesterday as well:

Nordic Fiber Arts Yarn Cards
Originally uploaded by amyeetx.

These are the two backordered yarn cards from Nordic Fiber Arts: Hifa 2 and Raumaragg. Such beautiful colors. Hmm.

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Simple Cables

I am at the armpit descreases on the back piece and am happy with how the cables are looking in the Mission Falls cotton. The color, by the way, is lichen. I just love that--lichen.

Simple Cables
Originally uploaded by amyeetx.

Here's a closer look at the cables. Notice that the cotton has a twist to it? I don't think this yarn would look as nice on a more complex cable, but it is working out to be very interesting in this design!

Mission Falls Cotton
Originally uploaded by amyeetx.

Friday, August 18, 2006

Cabled Cardigan

I've started a new project! As we move toward fall (but not fall weather here in hot Texas) I was thinking about my stash, which seems to be exploding out of its container. When that happens, I go on a yarn diet. So, any project I work on has to come from the stash.

I've had this nice Missions Falls 1824 cotton for a while and was interested in finding something to use it for. Then I saw the new Knit Simple magazine:

I love cables right now, so this cardigan was appealing. It is an easy knit as well, which should get me back into the swing of things for fall knitting. Here's another view:

There are, however, two challenges to this knit:

1. I'm using cotton. Will it be too heavy? Too hard to work with? So far, it seems fine, as Mission Falls cotton has a light twist. The stitches have good definition, as well.

2. I only had 10 skeins of yarn. There is no way that this dye lot is available--Mission Falls was discontinued and then recontinued. The color is available, so I'm taking my chances on the new dye lot.

Here's the first 4 inches. Again, a fast an easy knit. Notice the two skeins? Those are from two different lots. They are fairly close in color, and I am alternating the two dye lots every other row. So far, so good.

Cabled Cardigan
Originally uploaded by amyeetx.

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Colorado to home

Unfortunately we are back in hot Texas, but what a good vacation. Here are a few more pictures from the mountains.

Aspens in Colorado
Originally uploaded by amyeetx.

And one of my favs--sheep grazing in the fields. I yelled at my husband--pull over--take pictures of those sheep. Sheep aren't really what a geologist looks for in the mountains, but hey--I'm a bit wool obsessed. Notice that we took a picture? Remember that lost camera? I remembered that the hubby had put the camera on a picnic table at a roadside stop. We headed back a few hours later to see if it was there and it wasn't--but a card from the sheriff was. The sheriff picked up our camera and took it to the town office for us to receive. What a relief.

Grazing Sheep
Originally uploaded by amyeetx.

As we were driving around I was able to knit away. I found two yarn stores in Steamboat Springs. The Fiber Exchange was right downtown and Knitch (no website) was at the gondola area. I visited both and they had fairly standard supplies. The Fiber Exchange did carry Fleece Artist, from Halifax, Nova Scotia. This is beautiful yarn and comes as skein or in kit form. The kits are simple knits, but the yarn is gorgeous, in beautiful textures and colors. I purchased the Thrum Mitt kit since I needed to knit this yarn.

Thrummed Mittens
Originally uploaded by amyeetx.

Thrumming, so aptly explained by the Yarn Harlot, allows you to make these puffy mittens with soft fleece that warms your hands like a fire! The kit was fun to knit and my only complaint is the yarn quantity. I made the medium, hit gauge, and had about 10 inches of yarn left. The fleece was scanter--I had to canibalize the roving from the first mitten. But, I loved making these and the fleece had lots of lanoline that was like instant moisturizer.

I also finished the cabled beret that I started before leaving:

Originally uploaded by amyeetx.

Friday, August 11, 2006

Steamboat Springs, Colorado

Just a few more pictures from our trip--sadly we are heading down the mountain today. Back to work on Tuesday. Just not good.

I think that skiing in Steamboat would be great. Look at the mountain! Unlike Vail, which we like, Steamboat is a western town. My only complaint is the lack of real walking areas. Walking malls and better walking trails mean that the car never leaves the parking lot. They do have a free bus, which is good, but I like walking on vacation!

Steamboat Springs, Colorado
Originally uploaded by amyeetx.

We went way up into the hills yesterday. Quite a day--we had a flat tire, a lost camera---but the sheriff found it and we made our way back to recover the camera in the evening.

Originally uploaded by amyeetx.

The overpass offered great views! You know, there has to be a way to live here year round...

Originally uploaded by amyeetx.

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

We are in the mountains!

We are completely enjoying our time in the mountains. Cool weather--unlike the 101 degrees in Texas, lovely hiking, great food, and relaxation. We took the gondola to the top of the mountain and hiked around the top.

Originally uploaded by amyeetx.

We drove up into the mountains one day and played in the mountain stream.

A Mountain Stream
Originally uploaded by amyeetx.

And we rode horses. Notice the pure joy on the child's face. Hope you are enjoying your week!

Originally uploaded by amyeetx.

Friday, August 04, 2006

A needed vacation

We are sitting in the cool morning air at Steamboat Springs, Colorado. This year has been so busy and stressful that we really wanted a vacation where we the big decisions and responsibilities were things like--should we hike or get in the pool. Plus, like the rest of the US, Texas has been so hot and steamy that cool air is a treat. I'm off for a relaxing day--I hear there is a knitting store nearby.

Gallery of Finished Objects

Gallery 2007
Gallery 2006
Gallery 2005
Gallery 2004

On the Needles

Cable Cardigan

Faroe Island Sweater

Rowan Denim Seahorse


Future Knits

Lisette from Rowan

Lorna's Laces Socks

Backyard Leaves Scarf

Eloise from Jane Ellison


The WeatherPixie


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