Friday, July 29, 2005

Rowan Ginger

I am actually getting tired of summer and summer knitting. Unfortunately we are months away from the end of summer. It is hot. I'm tired of sweating everytime I step outside. So, in rebellion, I've been madly knitting another tank top. This is Ginger from Rowan's Summer Tweed Collection:

Rowan Ginger
Originally uploaded by amyeetx.

I like that it is a more interesting design than the standard tank, since it has that cute little scoopy back part. So far the summer tweed is proving rough and scratchy to knit,but it feels like it will really soften up and wear nicely with a bath and block.

I've finished the front. Like the bright green?

Ginger Front
Originally uploaded by amyeetx.

I'm about half way up the back, but I'm not quite as speedy as I could be--I'm in the midst of a Harry Potter readathon. I decided that I couldn't remember the details from the previous books, so I started way back with book one. I'm finally at book 6 and have been badgering my husband to tell me details--he finished it the day it was published....

Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Knitting to date

I've been reworking my knitting galleries over the past few days. I really like the idea of putting up a gallery for each year, as it gives me a sense of what I have accomplished, what I have learned, and what I would still like to learn. I'm a relatively new knitter. I learned to knit as a child, but dropped knitting for years. I picked up the needles in 2004 and have been clicking away ever since.

Interested in my knitting production over the past 2 years? I have set up my galleries at flickr.

Monday, July 25, 2005

The Experimental Sock

I have finished the first opal sock and am not sure what I really think about 1) the sock 2) the yarn and 3) the Simple Socks book.

First, here's Anna showing off the sock:

Anna Sock
Originally uploaded by amyeetx.

I do know that I like the self striping part of the yarn. And, Maureen says that the opal yarn washes very nicely. I'm going to take her word, since she is a great sock maker and knows how these things work, which means that I probably like the yarn. I'm not enamored of the way the yarn pulls out of the skein however. Check the previous picture for the huge glop of yarn.... I have to rewind it before I start the next sock... Argh.

And I tried a new cast on for the socks--Twisted German cast on.
This technique is certainly worth learning--the top is much more elastic.

On the other hand, I can tell you that I don't like all of the techniques laid out in the Simple Socks book. Now, please let me qualify my complaint. These are the third pair of socks that I have made, so my sock experience is pretty low. And, I'm certainly not an advanced knitter. But, I've ripped out the heel and toe a few times and fixed some of the problems, but the heel is not as nice as the flap heel with picked up stitches that I have made previously. Take a look:

Sock Heel
Originally uploaded by amyeetx.

There is an uneven seam running down the side of the sock, and I used a bit of the loose end to sew up some of the gaps. The heel used a number of yarn overs to turn the corner, which should, in theory, create a smooth heel. I ripped and reknit this a few times, paying particular attention to the way that I wrapped the yarn, but it still wasn't as neat of a heel as I had created with the flap. So, unless I can figure out the problem on the next sock (I will try the technique with the next sock for consistency), I think this is a technique that isn't for me.

The toe was to be turned in the same manner of the heel, but I abandoned this pretty quickly. I went back to Nancy Bush's excellent book Knitting on the Road and used on of the toe designs from the book that ends in a Kitchener stitch. I can't wait to see her new book, Knitting Vintage Socks, has in it.

Sock Toe
Originally uploaded by amyeetx.

All in all I'm glad that I tried another way to knit socks. I'm not yet confident in altering patterns, but sock techniques seem like a good place to start.

Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Opal sock

During my flight to the University of Virginia I did get a bit of knitting time. It was actually strange to be on a flight without my husband and daughter. I had uninterrupted, focused time!

I've been working on a basic crew sock in the Opal 6 ply. This is my first self patterning yarn, and I'm enjoying the funky looking sock. I am a little disappointed in the yarn, however. It is pretty splitty and you have to really pay attention.

Opal sock
Originally uploaded by amyeetx.

Notice that I'm trying a different pattern this time, from Simple Socks: Plain and Fancy by Priscilla Gibson-Roberts. The heel is different from the heel that I've used in my other socks. The other socks had a heel flap on which you would then pick up the stitches along the side. This is a continuous heel pocket. I ripped it out once since it seemed too lacey and it is better--but not perfect. I have to look at it again to see what is going on with the sock!

Monday, July 18, 2005

UVA Visit

I had a wonderful, thought provoking week at last week's NINES workshop. I'm working on a digital archive project and this conference provided multiple new approaches to developing the site.

The workshop was held at the University of Virginia, which is a beautiful campus.

The workshop were held in the main library area. This is Alderman, where the NINES office is housed:

University of Virginia
Originally uploaded by amyeetx.

And this is Clemons, where we had most of our meetings:

University of Virginia
Originally uploaded by amyeetx.

We were housed in the dorms, in Davis. The dorms weren't too bad--air conditioned and large. Even the shared bathroom wasn't too bad, as the bathroom was only shared between two of us. I wish I had taken a picture of the basement of the dorms, though. They were like something out of a horror show--catacombs and wires everywhere!

Notice that this image looks a little steam--the camera steamed up as soon as I came outside to take pictures; it was that warm!

University of Virginia
Originally uploaded by amyeetx.

University of Virginia
Originally uploaded by amyeetx.

You can tell it is an older campus--like the fireplaces in the dorm rooms?

University of Virginia
Originally uploaded by amyeetx.

The most interesting section of the campus was the garden section. The gardens were originally designed by Thomas Jefferson and are beautifully maintained.

Originally uploaded by amyeetx.

Originally uploaded by amyeetx.

The serpentine walls on segments of the garden are original.

Originally uploaded by amyeetx.

The paths that wander around the various gardens are quiet and peaceful. I enjoyed meandering through the gardens on our one afternoon we weren't work--there were plum trees, flowers, objects and more.

Originally uploaded by amyeetx.

Additional pictures are house on my flickr site. Just click on any of the images to see more!

Monday, July 11, 2005

What next?

I have been slow to post since the London bombing last week. I just had a difficult time deciding how to handle the news. It was shocking but even more horrible was the sense of here we go again. The repetition, the horrid loss of lives, the senselessness of things---I don't know what else to say.

I'm at the University of Virginia this week for a NINES conference. More on this during the week, but I was happy to hear that the British participants were fine and able to travel into the conference.

While much has been written on the blasts, the links from this site offer a great insite into how blogs have created a way to think about and share information on the explosions. I think that the individuals who are blogging their reactions give a truer sense of the moment than what we tend to see on mainstream media.

Thursday, July 07, 2005

Colinette Giotto Tank

So these are not the most gorgeous photos--sorry--but here's my latest FO. Let's just call this the summer of tank tops--the only possible knit that could be worn in Texas during a heat wave. This is the Giotto Tank that I mentioned the other week. It was a fun and fast knit.

Colinette Giotto Tank, originally uploaded by amyeetx.

So I'm not sure about my belly sticking out. It certainly isn't something that I could wear to work. I might have to work up the courage and wear it out some day soon! I like the way that the back fastens with a little button. Notice that there is some pooling in the ribbon. I think I will need to try non varigated yarn for a while--next up a solid color!

Colinette Giotto Tank Back, originally uploaded by amyeetx.

Wednesday, July 06, 2005


I really hate scorpions. This weekend I was trying to get my daughter to take a nap (and to sneak in a little nap myself) when a scorpion ran across her pillow. Ugh. In trying to defend her, I was stung. Of course, I didn't have my glasses on, so that probably contributed to the sting.

I've been stung before--I stepped on a scorpion when I was about a week away from giving birth. Our washer/dryer is in the garage and the little pest decided to take a visit. Let's just say that the scorpion was pulp by the time I was finished. Compared to the stepped on scorpion, this sting wasn't too bad.

According to the University of Michigan ADW, we have the common brown scorpion. When it gets really dry we tend to see a boom of scorpions in the house. I guess that they like to live in the attic, but if it gets too hot they come to visit the cooler areas. There isn't a whole lot of non toxic options to prevent scorpions. We've found some sticky pads that help to catch them. But, Texas seems to attract all sorts of creepy crawlies.

On a happier note:

Take the MIT Weblog Survey

This is a pretty interesting blog survey. If you want, take it and add to the data!

Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Colinette Top

A finished object!

Colinette Top, originally uploaded by amyeetx.

This was supposed to be summer knitting. ha. This is the Colinette Cap Sleeve Top from the Colinette Trio booklet in Fandago Gauguin.

Fandango, originally uploaded by amyeetx.

As you can see, this Colinette yarn is a fuzzy cotton chenile. I loved the yarn in the skein, but I'm not as keen on it in an outfit. I alternated the yarn every two rows, but you can still see the different skeins and some pooling. It isn't quite as fitted around the waist as I had hoped, even though I made the 36" bust size--which should be a little bit snug. My gauge seems right, so I can only guess that this is to fit loosely--a fact disguised by the model's position in the picture. Of course, I can't believe that I thought that this top would count for summer knitting. It is so bloody hot that I won't be wearing this until it gets down to the 80s.

Gallery of Finished Objects

Gallery 2007
Gallery 2006
Gallery 2005
Gallery 2004

On the Needles

Cable Cardigan

Faroe Island Sweater

Rowan Denim Seahorse


Future Knits

Lisette from Rowan

Lorna's Laces Socks

Backyard Leaves Scarf

Eloise from Jane Ellison


The WeatherPixie


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